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Writing Samples
Lest you think I only write for money…okay, I kind of do, but there is more to me...

Rocket Arena
I acted as the Senior Producer on the project. I oversaw pretty much every aspect of the game...

Bill and Ted: Wyld Stallyns
One of my proudest writing accomplishments, I developed the text and mission structure for the video game Bill...

Copywriting and Grants
In addition to writing magazines, YouTube videos, and video game articles, I also did a fair amount of...

The Kalamity Jane Adventure Hour
This is an ongoing project that I’m working on with my creative project. The Kalamity Jane Adventure Hour...
Top pic for you

Writing Samples
Lest you think I only write for money…okay, I kind of do, but there is more to me...

Rocket Arena
I acted as the Senior Producer on the project. I oversaw pretty much every aspect of the game...

Bill and Ted: Wyld Stallyns
One of my proudest writing accomplishments, I developed the text and mission structure for the video game Bill...

Copywriting and Grants
In addition to writing magazines, YouTube videos, and video game articles, I also did a fair amount of...

The Kalamity Jane Adventure Hour
This is an ongoing project that I’m working on with my creative project. The Kalamity Jane Adventure Hour...